/* Norsk FWC Translation file v4.07c */ Sunday$ = 'Søndag' Monday$ = 'Mandag' Tuesday$ = 'Tirsdag' Wednesday$ = 'Onsdag' Thursday$ = 'Torsdag' Friday$ = 'Fredag' Saturday$ = 'Lørdag' January$ = 'Januar' February$ = 'Februar' March$ = 'Mars' April$ = 'April' May$ = 'Mai' June$ = 'Juni' July$ = 'Juli' August$ = 'August' September$ = 'September' October$ = 'Oktober' November$ = 'November' December$ = 'Desember' AddEvent$ = 'Legg til Event' AddIC$ = '+IC' All$ = 'Alle' BiOrWeekly$ = '(Halv)Ukentlig' Biweekly$ = 'Halvukentlig' Bottom$ = 'Bunn' BoxColor$ = 'B_oks' BoxDates$ = 'Boks Datoer' Boxed$ = '_Inrammet' Calendar$ = 'Kalender' Calendars$ = 'Calendars' Cancel$ = 'A_vbryt' CantFind$ = "kan ikke finne" Center$ = 'Senter' Clear$ = 'Rensk' Color$ = 'Farge' Colors$ = 'Farger' Comment$ = 'Kommentar' Critical$ = 'Kritisk feil' DailyColors$ = 'Bruk daglige farger' DeleteEvent$ = 'Fjern Event' Done$ = 'Gjort' Easter$ = 'Påske' End$ = 'Slutt' EnterEvent$ = "Du må angi en event..." EnterEventInfo$ = 'Velg Høytid' EnterNewIC$ = 'Enter new ImageClass' EnterStartdate$ = "Du må angi en startdato..." Even$ = 'Jevn' Event$ = 'Høytid' Extended$ = 'Utvidet' File$ = "Fil" First$ = 'Først' Fixed$ = 'Fiksert' Floating$ = 'Flytende' Font$ = 'Font' Fonts$ = 'Fonts' ForDetails$ = 'for detaljer' ForwardContent$ = 'Fremskynd utmeldingene til' ForwardLog$ = 'Fremskynd log filen til' Fourth$ = 'Fjerde' Frequency$ = 'Frekvens' GeneratingM$ = 'Genererer %s %s kalender' GeneratingY$ = 'Genererer %s kalender' Go$ = 'Go' Header$ = '%s %s' HighlightEd$ = 'Highlight Editor' Highlights$ = 'Uthevinger' History$ = 'History' Holiday$ = 'Ferie' Images$ = 'Bilde' Julian$ = 'Julian' JulJulLeft$ = 'Jul/Jul Venstre' JulLeft$ = 'Jul Venstre' Last$ = 'Siste' Left$ = 'Venstre' Line$ = '_Linje' Load$ = '_Hent' MatchColors$ = 'Dato Farge = Uthev Farge' MiniCals$ = 'MiniKal.' MiscVar$ = 'Diverse Variabler' MultiMonth$ = 'Multi-Month' MustUse$ = "Du må bruke knappen til"||'0a'x||"høyre for dette tallet." NextDay$ = 'Neste dag' Noncritical$ = 'Ikkekritisk hendelse' None$ = 'Ingen' NotClear$ = '<'Clear$'> kan bare bli brukt for "Bakgrund." variabler...' Note$ = 'Notater' NoteBox$ = 'Notatfelt' Notice$ = 'Noter' Odd$ = 'Ujevn' OK$ = '_OK' OK2$ = 'OK' Once$ = 'En gang' Options$ = 'Valg' OptLayout$ = 'Valg & Oppsett' OrientMarg$ = 'Orientasjon & marginer' Phases$ = 'Faser' PleaseWait$ = 'Vennligst vent' PrepReq$ = 'Gjør klar "requestor"' PreviousDay$ = 'Forrige dag' ProcessEvents$ = 'Gjør klar event' Random$ = 'Random' Reset$ = '_Reset' Right$ = 'Høyre' RiseSet$ = 'Opp/ned' SaveAs$ = '_Save as' Second$ = 'Andre' See$ = 'se' SeeOutput$ = 'se meldingene for disse detaljene' SeeShell$ = 'see shell-meldingen for disse detaljene' SelectApp$ = 'Velg program' SelectFile$ = "Velg en datafil" SelectFont$ = 'Velg font' SelectImage$ = 'Select image' SelectPrefs$ = 'Select name for prefs file' SingleMonth$ = 'Single Month' Start$ = 'Start' SubHeader$ = '' Sunrise$ = 'Soloppgang' Sunset$ = 'Solnedgang' Tall$ = 'Tall' TextColor$ = 'Tekst' Third$ = 'Tredje' Top$ = 'Topp' TopLong$ = 'Ekstra uke på toppen' Type$ = 'Skriv' Unable$ = 'om du ikke klarer å ordne dette problemet.' VarGUITitle$ = 'Velg dine variabler' Variables$ = 'Variabler' Weekend$ = 'Helg' Weekly$ = 'Ukevis' WeekNumber$ = 'Uke Nummer' WeekType$ = 'Uke Type' WholeYear$ = 'Hele _Året' Wide$ = 'Strekt ut' Help$ = 'Help message' Help$.ClickTabHelp = 'Different tabs display*ndifferent variables' Help$.MiniCalsGadHelp = 'Include mini-calendars showing*nthe previous & next months' Help$.HighlightsGadHelp = 'Include highlights on*nthe generated calendar' Help$.ImagesGadHelp = 'Include images on*nthe generated calendar' Help$.BoxDatesGadHelp = 'Surround day numbers*nwith boxes' Help$.ExtendedGadHelp = 'Include days from the previous*nand next months on the*ngenerated calendar' Help$.TopLongGadHelp = 'Include days from the sixth week*nat the top of the calendar' Help$.NoteBoxGadHelp = 'Include an area to write notes*nwhere no dates are printed' Help$.TopMargGadHelp = "Set calendar's top margin*nRemember to " Help$.LeftMargGadHelp = "Set calendar's left margin*nRemember to " Help$.OrientationGadHelp = "Set calendar's orientation" Help$.RightMargGadHelp = "Set calendar's right margin*nRemember to " Help$.BottomMargGadHelp = "Set calendar's bottom margin*nRemember to " Help$.FontVarGadHelp = 'Select the font variable to set' Help$.FontValGadHelp = 'Displays the choosen font value' Help$.ChooseFontGadHelp = 'Select the desired font' Help$.ColorVarGadHelp = 'Select the color variable to set' Help$.CycleColorVarGadHelp = 'Cycle through the color variables*nShift to reverse cycle' Help$.ColorValGadHelp = 'Select the desired color' Help$.MatchColorsGadHelp = 'Use the highlight text color*nfor the date/date box' Help$.DailyColorsGadHelp = 'Use the Color.(Weekday) colors*nfor the date/date box' Help$.HighlightEditGadHelp = 'Bring up the*nHighlight Editor' Help$.MiscVarGadHelp = 'Select the desired*nmiscellaneous variable' Help$.CycleMiscVarGadHelp = 'Cycle through the miscellaneous variables*nShift to reverse cycle' Help$.MiscValGadHelp = 'Enter the desired variable value' Help$.ChooseValGadHelp = 'Used only for selecting files/paths' Help$.Extra3Help = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's top-center" Help$.Extra4Help = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's top-right" Help$.Extra0Help = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-left" Help$.Extra1Help = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-center" Help$.Extra2Help = "Select extra to be printed*nin calendar's bottom-right" Help$.MonthGadHelp = 'Select desired month' Help$.YearGadHelp = 'Select or enter*ndesired year' Help$.MonthlyGadHelp = 'Begin generation of*na monthly calendar' Help$.YearlyGadHelp = 'Begin generation of*na yearly calendar' Help$.ResetGadHelp = 'Reset all variables to defaults' Help$.LoadGadHelp = 'Load a new preference file' Help$.SaveAsGadHelp = 'Save current settings to*na new preference file' Help$.CancelGadHelp = 'Cancel FWCalendar' Help$.EH_EventGadHelp = 'Enter the Highlight as it*nwill show up on calendar' Help$.EH_ChooseEventGadHelp = 'Select Image file to be printed on calendar' Help$.EH_ListEventGadHelp = 'List all Highlights*nfor current month' Help$.EH_CycleEventGadHelp = 'Cycle through all Highlights*nfor current month' Help$.EH_CommentGadHelp = 'Enter optional comment' Help$.EH_MonthGadHelp = 'Select month to work with' Help$.ExtraDHelp = 'Select the date on*nwhich the Highlight falls' Help$.EH_ColorGadHelp = 'Select color to be*nused for the Highlight' Help$.EH_HLTypeGadHelp = 'Select the Highlight type' Help$.EH_WeekNumberGadHelp = 'Select which week a floating*nHighlight occurs in' Help$.EH_WeekTypeGadHelp = 'Select frequency of weekly Highlights' Help$.EH_WeekendGadHelp = 'Determine whether or not the*nHighlight can fall on a weekend' Help$.EH_HolidayGadHelp = 'Treat the Highlight as a holiday' Help$.EH_EasterGadHelp = 'The number of days before or*nafter Easter for the Highlight' Help$.EH_AddEventGadHelp = 'Add a new Highlight' Help$.EH_DeleteEventGadHelp = 'Delete the currently*ndisplayed Highlight' Help$.EH_DoneGadHelp = 'Save all changes to Highlights' Help$.GE_EventTypeGadHelp = 'Select to enter Event or*nuse an Event file' Help$.GE_EventGadHelp = 'Enter Event or display Event file' Help$.GE_FontNameGadHelp = 'Display font to be used' Help$.GE_FontSizeGadHelp = 'Enter font size to use' Help$.GE_ChooseFontGadHelp = 'Select font to be used' Help$.GE_ResetGadHelp = 'Reset font and font size' Help$.GadIDHelp = 'Enter Event start and end dates' Help$.GE_StartGadHelp = 'Display Event start date' Help$.GE_EndGadHelp = 'Display Event end date' Help$.GE_TextColorGadHelp = 'Select color to be*nused for Event text' Help$.GE_LineGadHelp = 'Select row on which*nEvent will be printed' Help$.GE_BoxedGadHelp = 'Surround Event with a box' Help$.GE_BoxColorGadHelp = 'Select color for box*nsurrounding Event' Help$.GE_FrequencyGadHelp = 'Select frequency of Event' Help$.GE_OKGadHelp = 'Use entered data to add*nEvent to calendar' Help$.GE_CancelGadHelp = 'Cancel FWCAddEvent'